PATH Board Nominations 2024-2025

Join our PATH – Parents and Teachers Helping Board

PATH comprises of dedicated volunteers working together to support our wonderful students, teachers and school.

Now through March 29, 2024 PATH is accepting nominations for the PATH Executive Board for the 2024-2025 school year.  All positions are open.  If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a PATH position and make a difference for our Castlebay students please complete the below form with the position you are interested in, or turn in PATH Nomination Form into the front office or email Lorraine Womack at by March 29, 2024.  Scroll down for a list of PATH job descriptions for your reference. PATH elections will be held April 8-12, 2024.

 PATH Job Descriptions

All position requirement to attend PATH meetings, requirement to respond to the Board requests within 24-36 hours, requirement to respond to general inquires within 72 hours, requirement to volunteer at PATH events.

President – shall preside at all meetings of the organization and all Executive Board meetings. He/She shall sign checks and be an ex-officio member of all standing committees with the exception of the Election Committee. He/She will work with the school to observe district and general school policies. He/She must have served on the Executive Board in at least one previous position within the school year immediately prior to the school year he/she serves as President (unless there are no available people on the current board). The President has the responsibility to approve the calendar including all fundraising activities deferring final approval to the Principal.

Vice-President(s) – shall act for and in the absence of the President, or in the case of a vacancy in the office of the President, he/she shall assume the duties of the President temporarily. The elected officers shall recruit and elect from among themselves a President or Co-Presidents. He/She shall oversee the fundraising campaign and shall serve as the Coordinator of all special events for fundraising or to promote school spirit.

First Vice-President – shall chair the corporate sponsorship program.

Secretary – shall provide the minutes from the previous voting members – checking that roll when necessary. They shall bring to general PATH meetings progress reports/minutes.

Parliamentarian – shall bring to this organization specific information in the field of      parliamentary procedures to ensure proper meeting management. He/She shall be the authority on the Constitution and By-Laws adopted by the organization. They shall advise the President in matters pertaining to operational procedures, meetings, and elections. They shall head the nominating committee.

Treasurer – shall receive all organization funds and deposit them in the name of the organization in a bank(s) approved by the Executive Board. He/She shall keep accurate records, payout sums on the instruction of the Executive Board and shall present a Statement of Account, Revenue and Expense Statement with comparison to the budget at every general membership meeting and when requested by the Executive Board. He/She shall prepare Year End Financial Statements consisting of Statement of Account, Revenue and Expense Statement submitted for approval by the September Executive Board/ General Meeting. He/She shall prepare annual tax returns with an accountant approved by the Executive Board.

Room Parent Coordinator – shall work closely with the room parents and grade level coordinators for their grade level and report any concerns/problems to the Executive Board. He/She will serve as the first line of the networking system (e-mail and phone tree) for the parents. He/She must have served as a Room Parent in at least one previous school year (unless there are no available people to take the position)..

5th Grade Coordinator – shall work with the 5th grade faculty, principal, and 5th grade committees to raise funds for various 5th grade expenses, and to oversee the calendar of all events relating to the 5th grade.

Safety Coordinator – shall oversee the safety and emergency preparedness. He/She shall serve on the school Safety Committee comprised of the Principal and faculty/classified representatives.

Hospitality Coordinator – shall oversee the teacher appreciation luncheon, staff holiday party and parent orientation/volunteer tea. He/She shall be responsible for refreshments for other meetings as deemed necessary by the President(s).

Digital Communications Coordinator – shall manage PATH’s website, mass email communications and any supporting digital communications.

Place a PATH Nomination